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~ Past Events ~


Join candidates Kaylee Galloway, Rebecca Lewis, and Kelly Krieger for an Election night celebration! After months of hard work, we are excited to join our family, friends, and supporters for a night in celebration.

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Join us from 7pm-8pm every week day for our Virtual GOTV Phone Banks! We are calling hundreds of voters each day encouraging them to get excited about the November election and VOTE! 


Zoom Link:


Visit our Facebook Events and join us! We are happy to welcome first-time callers as our team is available for brief training every week. 

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Please join me, along with State Representatives Debra Lekanoff, Sharon Shewmake, and Alicia Rule, County Councilmember Carol Frazey, Mo West, Jovan Johnson, Lisa McShane, and more for Brunch and Ballots on Saturday, October 30th at 11am at the home of Mo West. 


We will be providing pastries, coffee, tea, and hot cocoa for all to enjoy as we chat with local voters and donors about Kaylee Galloway's candidacy for Whatcom County Council District 1. This is our last chance to meet our goals before November 2nd and we would be honored to have you join us in this last push towards a win on Tuesday.  


To RSVP for Brunch & Ballots, click here


To make a final contribution, click here.


To find us on Facebook, click here


We would love to have you join us for this final event for Kaylee Galloway's candidacy. 

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Are you a small business owner or community member in Bellingham? We want to hear from you! We've seen too many businesses struggle in our community. We cannot let another beloved small business close its doors due to the effects of the pandemic.

You are invited to attend a Business and Economic Recovery Roundtable over the lunch hour on October 20th at 12pm. I will be joined by State  Representative Alicia Rule, Whatcom County Councilmember Carol Frazey, Bellingham City Councilmember Hollie Huthman, and Guy Occhiogrosso, President/CEO of the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce, for an open dialogue on economic recovery and how we can work together to get our community out of this crisis.

Join Kaylee Galloway and Congressman Rick Larsen on Saturday, October 16th at 11am to encourage folks to vote for Kaylee for Whatcom County Council District 1!

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Please join us on Wednesday, October 6th at 5pm for a Local Housing Roundtable listening session co-hosted by the Washington Housing Alliance Action Fund!  

This is a listening session for Kaylee, housing partners, and members of the public to learn about local housing issues. This will give Kaylee an opportunity to hear from a variety of voices, which will help inform her housing policy. We will have several exciting speakers and then open discussion and Q&A.


General Election Forum hosted by League of Women Voters Bellingham/Whatcom County


General Election Forum hosted by Bellingham City Club

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Please join our team in celebrating Kaylee's 29th birthday through getting people excited for the general election AND joining us for a tasty treat afterwards!


Can you help us reach our goal of talking to 200 voters on Kaylee's birthday?


We will be meeting at Happy Valley Park in Fairhaven at 11am on September 26th! You don't want to miss out!

If you can't make it, please consider donating $29 for Kaylee's 29th birthday!

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How does Whatcom win this fall? With women, of course! Whatcom County has the opportunity this November to elect three incredible progressive women to the County Council and Port of Bellingham. 


Join candidates Kaylee Galloway, Rebecca Lewis, and Kelly Krieger on September 15th from 5-7:30 pm to support the women of Whatcom winning this fall. This gathering will be held outside and all COVID-19 guidelines will be enforced. 


Let’s do all we can to help these women candidates win in the general election in November!


RSVP Here:


Donate to Kaylee: 


Donate to Rebecca: 


Donate to Kelly: 


Facebook Event: 


Hosted By: Jovan Johnson and Bob Hall


Co-Hosted By: Rep. Debra Lekanoff, Rep. Sharon Shewmake, Rep. Alicia Rule, Sen. Liz Lovelett, Whatcom County Executive Satpal Sidhu, County Councilwoman Carol Frazey, Bellingham City Councilwoman Hollie Huthman, and Lisa McShane.  


COVID guidelines:

Please note that you must be fully vaccinated (last dose received on or before two weeks before the date) in order to attend. Please be prepared to show your vaccination card upon entry. In light of the Delta variant, we are also asking every guest to wear a mask at all times unless actively eating or drinking. Thank you for your understanding.

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Jump into the General!
A Virtual General Election Kickoff Event

Please join Kaylee and special guests Alicia Rule, Sharon Shewmake, Debra Lekanoff, Liz Lovelett, and more as Team Kaylee heads into the General Election!

Find us on Facebook:


If you have any questions, please email


Come hang out with Kaylee during her her lunch hour and support local coffee shops!

Wednesday, July 28th from 12:30-1:30pm 
The Colophon Cafe

Thursday, July 29th from 12-1pm 
Caffe Adagio

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Join Kaylee Galloway, with special guests Rep. Debra Lekanoff and Rep. Sharon Shewmake, on Saturday, July 24th at 1pm to help us knock on doors and get the vote out!




If you have any questions, email Field Director Elijah at

What to bring:

  • Comfortable clothes, shoes and a mask

  • Water and snacks

  • Sunscreen!

  • A fully charged smartphone

We will mix and mingle, hear from our amazing speakers, get some good training, and head out! Look forward to seeing you there!


Facebook Event:


Join candidates Kaylee Galloway, Barry Buchanan, and Michael Shepard for a Wine and Cheese social as we fundraise for each individual campaign! Recommended donations are on a sliding scale from 25 dollars to 250 dollars.


RSVP Here:


Donate to Kaylee:


Donate to Barry:


Donate to Michael:


Facebook Event:


Hosted By: Jovan Johnson, Bob Hall.


With Co-Hosts: Rep. Debra Lekanoff, Rep. Sharon Shewmake, Rep. Alicia Rule, County Executive Satpal Sidhu, Councilmember Pinky Vargas, Lisa McShane, Jennie Noskoff, Mo West, Andy Clay, Jack Delay, Patricia Decker, and Julie Trimingham. 

Primary Election Forum


Primary Election Forum hosted by League of Women Voters Bellingham/Whatcom County

Virtual Campaign Kickoff


In case you missed the chance celebrate the kickoff of Kaylee’s campaign

for Whatcom County Council District 1


Watch the video to hear from our special guests! 

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene 

State Representative Debra Lekanoff 

State Representative Sharon Shewmake 

Bellingham City Councilwoman Pinky Vargas


If you want to get involved or have any questions please email


Help Support Kaylee Galloway for Whatcom County Council District 1

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